
How to overcome anxiety and prayers for anxiety

prayers for anxiety

Millions of people are affected by anxiety, which is an emotional experience. It can take several forms. Like excessive worry, fear, or even symptoms of physical pain, such as shortness of breath. This article covers some practical ways of overcoming depression, particularly prayers for anxiety and understanding whether one’s shortness of breath can be termed to originate from it and you will know how to overcome from worry and depression by praying for anxiety

what is anxiety and symptoms of stress

what anxiety is so anxiety is basically a misfiring of a natural protective life-saving response

it’s very important that we understand when we’re in danger and we’re being threatened and that we respond to it but

Unfortunately, the part of our brain that reacts to threatened danger is so primitive and so quickly reactive that it can send a message of danger when we’re not really in danger

that’s when anxiety causes a problem we talked in the earlier 

about five things that make a false alarm a misfiring of anxiety more likely genetics chemicals external stress

how you generally talk to yourself and what you expect of yourself and then unhelpful lessons that your brain might have learned from past experiences

these anxiety triggers these factors can send a message of threat that the brain this part of the brain just reacts to and then it causes anxiety

it pumps out adrenaline to prepare you physically to run or fight to survive a life and death struggle at the same time being ready to run or fight doesn’t do you any good

if your mind is off thinking about the flowers or what a lovely day it is so in addition to getting you physically ready to run or fight it emotionally triggers and sends a sense of danger threat

so you can feel anything from slightly worried or uneasy to terrified and panicky and that emotion gets you motivated to figure out where the danger is and

so your mind starts looking around for danger so in other words your thoughts get flooded with thoughts of fear and danger where’s the danger where’s the danger what might be there be a problem why am i upset why am i anxious if you don’t understand that this can be a false alarm

prayers for anxiety, worry and fear

Prayers for anxiety set in where worries or stress are dominating. Indeed, everyone feels anxious at times, but when it refuses to go away, a problem is considered. Apprehension affects you—the way you think, feel, and act.

When prayers for anxiety take over, you might just start to feel a little restless. Your heart could be beating very fast, and you start to perspire greatly. Sometimes it does get difficult to breathe. These feelings are your body’s response to fear or pressure.

prayer for anxiety, worry and fear come in many forms, everything from general worry about everything to specific fears to full-blown panic attacks—paintakingly sudden attacks with intense fear. its is a very treatable condition.

Know the signs of woryness. Notice when you are feeling nervous but there is no clear reason to, or when your concerns don’t fit the situation. If these feelings occur frequently, you might need assistance.

There are ways to feel better. Deep breaths quiet your heart rate. Talking with someone one can trust also helps. Doctors or therapists might guide you through the steps in how to handle it. They could suggest simple exercises one can do. Also, in some cases, medication.

Another solution that may work to help with anxious is good health habits. Proper exercise, correct sleeping, and correct nutrition may be helpful. When you better take care of yourself, the better you’re going to feel.

Remember, anxiety is part of life, but it doesn’t have to be in control. You will be better if you take the right steps in overcoming. Take small steps to care for yourself each day. Being able to identify the signs is already the first step towards gaining the upper hand over depression and going forward to a peaceful life.

What causes anxiety in the brain?

anxiety can cause you to do things that actually make things worse in the long run instead of better because the natural action when you’re in danger is to leave escape and not go back and avoid in the future or if you have to be in a dangerous situation to stay hyper alert hyper vigilant on guard all the time and to try to do things to keep yourself safe and if you have to fight well you want to fight with all your life

 what happens is your protective bodyguard reacting brain sees what you’re doing and thinks oh my person wouldn’t be doing that unless there was some danger and now this part of your brain that wants to protect you becomes even more likely to send false alarms

it remembers where you were what you were doing what you were feeling what was happening in your body what you were thinking it remembers everything that happens to you in order to find threat and danger

so for example if you had a car accident driving on the highway on a rainy night maybe the next time you get in the car or the next hundred times you get in the car it gets anxious particularly if it’s at night or if you’re on a highway or if it’s rainy or even if you’re just driving so is there any good news the good news is this response we are designed to have our body is designed to have it’s the same protective life-saving response that helps us leap out of the way of a car

if we’re in the crosswalk and a car is racing through the red light and doesn’t see us or it’s the same response that lets you wake up in the middle of the night to your baby’s cry it’s well intentioned but the trouble is sometimes it’s misinformed the really good news is the reacting brain is not the whole of your brain we have the whole cerebral cortex the whole higher-developed smarter part of the brain that makes us fully human that we can use and turn to to balance our reacting brain to cope with anxiety and to overcome anxiety problems

How to Overcome Anxiety and Panic Interactive Guide?

  1. Identify triggers: Most situations of anxious begin with a factor that triggers it or an incident. These might be recorded through writing in a journal about all of your thoughts, feelings, and situations that cause anxiety and will help you identify patterns. By realizing what causes it, you can be in a better place to handle it through acts of avoiding or better preparing for those situations that make you anxious.
  2. Regularly Exercise: Physical activity is a powerful tool for lessening anxiety. Regular exercise releases endorphins, chemicals that are natural mood lifters. Even just a 20-minute walk can help clear your mind and take your mind off anxiety symptoms.
  3. Healthy Hydration: The kind of food you are consuming can affect your mental health. Keep off caffeine and sugar because they do cause symptoms of anxiety. Increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins in the body creates a healthy body and mind.
  4. Cut down on Alcohol and Nicotine: These substances may appear to have a calming effect, but in reality, they make anxiety worse. Alcohol can disrupt sleep and mood, while nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure, making the feelings of anxiety worse.
  5. Sleep: Anxiety is worsened when the body does not get enough sleep. Get 7-9 hours of good quality sleep per night. Stick to a routine at bedtime, avoid screens before bed, and make sure your bedroom is a room where you can relax.
  6. Practice mindfulness and meditation: It keeps you present in the moment. Meditation, yoga-even something as basic as breathing-lowers anxious by soothing the mind and refocusing your thoughts on the now
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how to do Prayers for Anxiety

anxiety and stress

Below, we share a number of prayers you might say to seek peace and calm:

  1. Prayer for Strength:
    Dear God, give me strength to face my fears and anxieties. Help me to trust in Your plan. Trusting in Your presence. Amen.
  2. Prayer for Peace:
    Lord, please still my anxious heart. Help me to feel Your peace during stressful moments and enable me to lean on Your direction. Smoothen my cares with Your love and let me rest in calmness. Amen.
  3. Prayer for Guidance:
    Father in heaven, I am beset with despair and fear. Direct me by Your wisdom and comfort me with Your love. Show me the way to peace and give me the courage to follow it. Amen.
  4. Prayer for Trust:
    Lord, help me to let go of all my cares and to place my whole trust in You. Remind me that You are always with me and give me strength to overcome my depression. Amen.

Prayers can be a reminder that you are never alone in whatever you face. They may turn your heart from fear to hope and healing.

How do I tell if shortness of breath is from anxiety?

anxious often leads to shortness of breath, even though this condition could result from other medical conditions. Knowing the different causes of shortness of breath is important for managing your symptoms. Following are some of the ways that you can determine whether shortness of breath is a symptom of it, along with some helpful tips on how to treat it.

Check for Other Anxiety Symptoms

The first thing, among others, to do when you feel shortness of breath is to check to see if you can identify other symptoms. its usually presents a number of physical and emotional feelings along with it. Common symptoms include a racing heartbeat, sweating, dizziness, and even a sense of dread or panic. Shortness of breath, combined with these, might hint more at it.

People who suffer from anxiety very often have a tightness of their chest that can give them the sensation of being unable to breathe. It’s part of the body’s flight-or-fight response, which prepares your system for action in the face of danger-even when there is no actual danger involved. These kinds of responses may accelerate your heart rate and make you breathe rapidly and shallowly so that you feel like you cannot catch your breath.

Notice When It Happens

The timing of your shortness of breath can give you clues about what caused it. Anxiety-related shortness of breath tends to occur at the time of a stressful event or a panic attack. You may notice this when you are troubled by a problem, anxious about some event in the near future, or during an event that typically provokes your anxiety, such as public speaking.

If your breathing difficulties are mainly when situations become stressful, then it is more likely to be related to anxiety. However, if your breathing difficulties occur when you are at rest or during light activities, then it may be a signal that another health concern is present, and you should consult your doctor. how to take care of eyelashes extensions

Breathing Patterns in Anxiety

Another effective way to find out if shortness of breath emanates from anxiety is through increasing awareness of your breathing pattern. Anxiety usually makes a person experience fast, shallow breathing, which is termed hyperventilation. During hyperventilation, an individual takes in too much oxygen while releasing too much carbon dioxide; the effect of this is an imbalance of gases within the body. This can give you feelings of lightheadedness, dizziness, and even heightened anxiety as part of an evil cycle.

Practice deep and slow breathing when feeling anxious. Try breathing all the way down to your stomach, as opposed to shallow breathing into your chest. This will inherently have a slowing effect on one’s breathing and heart rate, and reduce feelings of breathlessness. Regular practices in breathing techniques can definitely make it easier to control your breathing during anxiety attacks.

Guided Meditation for anxiety and overthinking

first make yourself comfortable and close your eyes bring yourself into the Here and Now not in the past or the future but the here and the now we start by taking a few relaxing breaths

Don’t Force Just breathe naturally and then focus on what you can hear around you

perhaps you can hear the hum of a computer the noise of cars outside noises from inside the house voices tweeting birds or maybe the tick of a clock and as thoughts come into your head

and they will just notice them with kindly awareness and let them Float by tell yourself that the thoughts are not important right now you’ll deal with it later

then bring yourself back to focusing on what you can hear around you now bring your attention to your body we’re going to go from the top of the head to the tip notice your head

and neck is it tense don’t judge it don’t try to alter it notice your chest is there any tension there again just notice it with kindly awareness now your tummy it is Sensations there

and the top of your shoulders any tension are you relaxed and as thoughts come into your head and they will just notice them with a kindly awareness and let them Float by tell yourself that the thoughts are not important right now you’ll deal with it later feel the weight of yourself sat on the chair or lay on the bed and notice any tension then notice the backs of your legs on the chair or on the bed and feel the weight of your legs notice your feet on the floor grounding you to the Earth and as any thoughts come in just notice then too but they’re not important righ

Anxiety Disorders treatment and Medical Evaluation


For that matter, it’s just that hard to say if your shortness of breath comes from fearfulness or another condition, and consulting a doctor is in order. That can be a symptom of other medical conditions ranging from asthma to heart disease to even a lung infection. Those options a doctor can rule out with a simple physical exam and any tests that may be necessary, such as an X-ray or EKG. The doctor will be able to identify that it is anxiety causing shortness of breath, hence advising you further on how to seek effective treatments for depression symptoms.

worry-based shortness of breath usually does not last very long. The feelings generally subside once the anxiety passes, but it can be a very frightening experience nonetheless. If your doctor rules out other medical causes, sometimes its reassuring to understand that the shortness of breath is part of your worry and not due to some other more serious condition.

Top 6 Vitamins To Turn off Anxiety

The Top 6 Vitamins To Turn off Anxiety Anxiety is a nervous system disorder, where your body gets locked into a state of fear. This is called “fight or flight”. Your mind perceives that there is some kind of threat or danger, so your body starts releasing more cortisol and adrenaline.

These raise your blood pressure, make your heart beat faster, rush blood to your muscles and cause breathing changes so that you can either escape a situation, or attack the threat as a survival instinct. Unfortunately your mind can’t tell the difference between a real threat , or an imaginary threat.

So if you’re feeling lots of worry, doubt and fear in your life, Such as financial concerns, Worrying about different people that stress you out, Or are listening/reading too much bad news on the internet or the TV, Over time you become emotionally involved with these fears, And your body and mind perceives a constant danger,

so it locks you into this “fight or flight state”. Sleeping problems – finding it hard to switch your thoughts of or get into a proper sleep cycle. Constant Problem Solving – your mind is constantly trying to analyse and fix problems, causing a stream of mental chatter Memory Problems – The high level of stress can also cause you to find it hard to access memories

1. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): The first item on my list is Vitamin B1 Most people with anxiety suffer with a Thiamine deficiency (Vitamin B1). Parts of your brain like the amygdala and the hippocampus use up your B1 stores to make energy whenever you are stressed, emotional or threatened. Eating lots of sugar, refined foods or drinking caffeinated drinks can also deplete your Vitamin B1. Start taking 2-3 tablespoons of unfortified nutritional yeast daily to load up on Vitamin B1 and the B-complex. You can eat this in yoghurt, soups, stews, or sprinkle it over a salad. Within minutes of eating this you will start to feel calmer and more relaxed

2. Probiotics Inside your large intestine in your gut, there are lots of live friendly microbes. These help you to break down and digest foods and maintain a healthy overall body. These microbes actually produce B Vitamins, like Vitamin B1, B2, B12 etc… that all help to keep your mood stable and prevent prolonged states of anxiety. Unfortunately these microbes are very sensitive and can easily be destroyed when we take antibiotic drugs/medications, Consume artificial sweeteners such as aspartame. (e.g. diet soda drinks) 

3. Vitamin D People who have anxiety, struggle to sleep soundly at night or have problems with overthinking usually have high levels of cortisol. This hormone is part of the fight or flight mechanism, and it keeps the body in an alert, responsive state when it perceives a threat. However if you’re trying to calm down and relax, it’s important to find ways to switch this off. Going outside into nature and getting sunlight on your skin, triggers the production of Vitamin D, which counters the high cortisol and makes you feel more relaxed

4. Magnesium & Potassium Magnesium and potassium are key minerals and electrolytes that play a role in controlling how energy is produced in the mitochondria within your cells. These come primarily from vegetables, like leafy greens for example. Without enough of these minerals, you are far more likely to have a low tolerance to stress (anxiety), depression, sleeping problems (insomnia), and brain fog.

5. Passionflower Tea If you suffer with anxiety it’s important that you cut back on caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda as these can raise cortisol and make anxiety worse. However, there are certain herbal teas that have been used for thousands of years to soothe stress and anxiety. Passionflower is a herbal flower which is rich in certain plant compounds that have been shown to boost GABA in your brain. GABA basically slows down certain signals in your central nervous system, helping the calm excited nerves down, in order to relax you.

 6. Ashwagandha Ashwagandha is a herbal shrub that grows in Asia and Africa, and has been used for over 3000 years as a natural treatment for stress and anxiety. As an adaptogen, it helps various systems in your body adapt to stress, by balancing your hormones and improving how your tissue/brain respond to the changes. You can take 1200mg of ashwagandha extract in capsule form daily to quickly help soothe nervous tension in your body. This herb is rich in phytochemicals called withanolides, which have been scientifically shown to lower cortisol, and help to balance out the blood sugar


Overcoming anxiety requires self-realization, a change in lifestyle, and sometimes professional help. Anxiety prayers can be comforting and strengthening, but the more practical measures that will put you in control again are deep breathing, exercise, and mindfulness. Keep in mind that anxiety is treatable, and with the right help and tools, life can be lived in a more peaceful way and one of achievement.

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